My twinners Emin and Yağızalp prepared Kahoot Game about unit 3 in the kitchen.They played this Game with their friends via zoom.They had a great time while playing and rewiew this unit.Thanks my students.
My students created a word game about the unit 3: In the Kıtchen . They created this game in the LEARNINGAPPS web 2.0 tool in the Zoom meeting because of the snow holiday.
My students created online games about our units in the curriculum. It was fun to create and play games! In the Kitchen - Matching Game In the Kitchen - Missing Word Game
My eTwinners Zeynep and Sema prepared a matching game about 4th unit On The Phone by wordwall and fill in the blank game related to unit 5 the internet.
My students and the other students in the class tried to combine logo pieces together and created our winner logo prepared by Jigsaw planet. They both got fun and had a great experience.
We completed the first month of the project succesfully.We got together and evaluated December works.Also we talked about January works.Thanks for your participation.
My students Arzunaz and Badesu prepared a game about Unit 5 The Internet words by using Wordwall.They played it with other members of my group.They both learned and have funny time at the same time.